I’m sure I’m preaching to the converted here but if any of you have not yet checked out Umbro’s page showing literally hundreds of their past shirts then I urge you to do so immediately!
Its a truly magnificent collection with some beautiful photography that collates some common and not so common shirts from the Umbro archive. Some new photos have just gone up. If you want to see some vintage shirts, many in immaculate condition then its well worth a visit.

Shame they don’t have an Albion shirt with John Wyle’s blood on it!
With all this retro stuff, is there anything stopping Umbro re-releasing modern day equivalents of the diamond sleeved kits. They are much loved by all supporters of Umbro strips in the 70s. I can’t see why they don’t bring them for new templates now
Hello Hox – the diamonds seem to divide opinions don’t they? I personally love them and think they are very much part of Umbro’s heritage. I guess the problem may come from the fact that many of these designs have already been licensed to Toffs & Score Draw – without diamonds. It may get complicated if Umbro now want to reissue them.
Does anyone know if the Albion 1978 semi final shirt has a number on the back? Is it a players shirt, or an unused spare?